This is a picture of an old drag line that is down by the head gate by Randy’s house.
We were back in Archer with our trailer house parked on the front lawn of Jess's folk's home. We slept there but took all our meals with the family. This was hard for me after having a home of my own. Jess worked as a dragline helper and soon learned to operate the machine. He made $6.00 a day, which wasn't much, after driving truck for the government.
When the canals and ditches were all cleaned, there wasn't any work for the drag line so we decided to go to Portland, Oregon,where fabulous wages were being paid, welding in the ship yards
I wanted my Patriarchal blessing before we moved so, Jess's sister, Genevieve, and I drove to Charles Thomason's home, in Burton. No one told me to fast or do anything to be prepared for the blessing. We sat in the front room of an old farm house and the blessing was given May 30, 1943. I wrote down Genny's blessing and she wrote down mine. I have treasured that blessing through the years.
I was told, in my blessing, that I was highly favored of the Lord, in the heritage, of my immediate ancestors,. This privilege has become mine by reason of my obedience in my pre-mortal state. I was Blessed that in my home I would eventually have a fullness of joy. That I will become a prudent and competent household manager and a leader among my sex.
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