Jess and I both wanted a baby. We had been married over two years. I went to Dr. M.F.Rigby for an examination to see why we didn’t have a baby. He said there wasn’t anything wrong. I just worked too hard. I needed to relax and slow down. You can’t believe how many times in my life I have received the same advice. I was nervous about going to the doctor for the examination so I took my mother with me. It It wasn’t long before I was expecting and didn’t have any morning sickness. We had a good winter and Jess and I played checkers and enjoyed each other. No TV then.
Jess worked to exhaustion each summer and after the fall work was done, Jess always went to bed for a few weeks to get rested up.Jess had been irrigating long hours and had changed the water to a new set about midnight. When he came back to the house, my labor pains had started. I was three weeks early and I didn’t know what to do. We didn’t sleep the rest of the night. We phoned Jess’s mother and she advised us to go to the doctor when the pains were five minutes apart. It was 8:00 when we went to town. They checked me into the maternity home, which was just an old house by the 4th ward church. As soon as they checked me in the pains stopped. We waited all day and finally took a long walk around a vacant lot. Jess was exhausted but he stayed with me all day. Soon the pains started again.
In those days Ether was given at the last few minutes to ease the pain. Ether was soon discontinued because the babies were getting too much and their breathing was impaired. I learned a valuable lesson from taking ether. I had always thought that this life was the important life. Under ether, I realized that this was just a short stop over, on the eternal scheme of things. Instead of taking ether and being out for a few minutes, being out was the real thing and here on earth was the short stay. Ever since that experience, I have realized that this life with all of its cares and worries isn’t the important life. As soon as Steve was born, I looked up at Jess and asked him if he was alright. The doctor was amazed that I was concerned about Jess at that time.
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