Thursday, January 17, 2013

Primary Stake Presidency


Archer church arial 003     I enjoyed being in the Stake Primary Presidency but it required a lot of time.  We held weekly Pres. meetings and visited an assigned ward, once a month.  Each month a stake meeting was held for all the ward people to come and get helps for the next four weeks.  We were reading the Book of Mormon as an assignment from the general board.  Each month in opening exercises I would give a talk on the assigned scripture for that month.  One month the chapters assigned didn’t have anything very interesting.  The day before Stake Meeting I still didn’t know what I was going to talk about.  I was picking strawberries and knelt down and ask the Lord to help me.  I reminded the Lord how many times I had read the chapter and had tried, but didn’t come up with an idea.  A few minutes later the talk came into my mind.  I always felt that was one of the best talks I ever gave, in the four years I served.  The only time I could read or study was to get the boys to bed, sleep for a few hours and then get up at 3:00  or so and either clean house or read and study and then go back to bed.  

     Once  we had a stake board meeting that was to start at 7:30.  I had to pick up something from the store before it closed at 6:00.   I brought my dress clothes and decided to just stay in town, until time for the meeting.  When I went to change my dress, I realized I hadn’t brought a slip and my dress was a little sheer.  I left my coat on.  Besides that I was nursing Tom but by the end of the day I usually didn’t have any milk and I had forgotten to bring a bottle of milk for him.  Needless to say he fussed most of the meeting.  It was one big disaster.  I still cringe when I think about it.

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