Sunday, February 3, 2013

Relief Society Calling

     I was teaching the 11 year old boys in Primary and enjoying every minute of it. I felt I had the wrong church job. My Patriarchal blessing told me, I would be a leader among my own sex. I was thinking about this, as I was coming down the stairs at church, when the voice within me, told me I would soon be working with the ladies of the ward. I didn’t dream I would be in Relief Society.

We were busy cutting potatoes, when Bishop Munns extended the call to become the new Relief Society President, of our ward. I told him I would ask Jess and if it was alright with him I would do would do my best. Bishop Munns was amazed I accepted on the spot.. I believe you should never turn down an assignment from the Bishop, because it is really from the Lord. I knew I wasn’t qualified but I also knew I would work hard and the Lord would help me. I have heard some people say they were called by desperation not by inspiration. I have been in a position to call women to serve and I know the Lord helped me find the right person.

What a gwen1963uncomfortable time. I was cutting potatoes, had six boys and Kent was only three. We were still in the chicken business. I had a regular delivery to the stores in Idaho Falls and occasionally extra delivery if a store ran out of eggs. Bishop Munns said he would like me to choose my counselors so we could be sustained the first Sunday in June. I would cut spuds all day and at night mentally think of the women in our ward who would help me. Many nights I spent more time on my knees than in bed. Bernice Weekes’s name always came to my mind but that was impossible, she was working full time. The Bishop too was concerned. When he called her she said “Yes”, immediately. She had quit her job just a week before, she felt impressed that she should stay home with her only son.

I choose Marjean Weekes as the homemaking counselor, knowing with several young children it would be hard for her to attend extra meetings. She was perfect and the call came at a time in her life that she too needed this special spiritual experience. Our R.S. Presidency felt the spirit of the Lord as we chose ladies for other positions.


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