Sunday, December 9, 2012


     YWMIA stands for Young Women Mutual Improvement Association.  I was call to be the President. June 15, 1947.  I had a growing learning experience.  I had a lot of enthusiasm but little know how.  I wish they would make you a counselor for a year before becoming a Pres.  I was green and made many mistakes but I felt the Lord helping me and I didn’t have any great disasters. 

    There was a General Board member attending the first Rexburg annual M.I.A. conference.  I felt the Spirit of the Lord as I entered the church and I knew I was doing the work of the Lord.  Steve and Lee were babies and I couldn’t have done it without Jess’s full cooperation and my mother and Rachel.

    Bessie Wilcox was the Stake M.I.A. Pres. and I will always be grateful for her support and suggestions.   The girls had until their 25th birthday to earn The Golden Gleaner award.  It is comparable to Eagle Scout for boys and requires a lot of work.  Bessie encouraged me to earn the award.     As I finished my last requirement I decided to write my request for the award.  It was late at night.  Jess and the boys were asleep.  In the letter I wrote my testimony.  I was full of the spirit, after all the things I had read and studied, for the award.  As I signed my name and turned off the lights and started to walk across the kitchen floor I heard overpowering music.  I had never heard anything like that before.  My whole body felt lifted and tingly.  I have never doubted from that moment on, that the church was true.  The Lord does care about us and knows what we are doing.  I can still shut my eyes and after 60 years again remember that glorious experience.


                                                                     Rose Evening 1948  Gwen President

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